When Silence ISN'T Golden: Has Your Family Had The Talk?
By A. Frank Johns There is a price for not talking. Family conversations concerning long-term care and end-of-life issues are some of the...

Excerpt From New Book on Adult Guardianship
Below is the introduction to Chapter 2: A Modern History of Guardianship Law, by attorney A. Frank Johns, from the new book Comparative...
Notes from the 3rd World Congress on Adult Guardianship – Washington, DC.
Posting by A. Frank Johns, JD, LLM, CELA, CAP Chair, National Guardianship Network I’m sitting in a crowded ballroom among professionals...

A. Frank Johns to Present at 3rd World Congress on Adult Guardianship
A. Frank Johns, from Booth Harrington & Johns of Greensboro will present the plenary session Person-Centered Guardianship and Supported...
NYC Elder Abuse Center - Durable Power of Attorney - Don't Overlook the Oversight
Below is an excerpt of a guest blog post written by attorney A. Frank Johns and writer William Henry for the NYC Elder Abuse Center. Read...

The Science of Wisdom
By Jonathan Williams What is wisdom? It seems wisdom has the power to lessen anxiety, illuminate patterns, build stronger...